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Sweden, Norway | Every now and then.

Anyone who has looked around at my portrait will know that Wieland der Schmied travels north from time to time. This annual ritual is deeply rooted in me and also plays an important role in my work. I particularly enjoy the peace and quiet in the seclusion of Sweden and Norway. No appointments. No hassle. Time to think. Switch off.

The archaic in every form accounts for a large part of the fascination for me: silently gliding through nature in my canoe, cooking on the campfire with wood smoke in the nose, being exposed to the weather on longer tours, the physical exertion – being alone , without being able to fall back on all the “little helpers” that one is otherwise used to.

For me, the annual “Nordlandfahrt” (as I call my Nordic trips) that I have come to love is like a “holistic energy drink” and “appetizer” for knife making!

But now on to the Nordlandfahrt – have fun!

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